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Artifact 1 : Ask my students!

Rate Ms. Azoulay Document

Speech Bubble A+

The rationale for including this artifact is that is demonstrates my attainment of professional competencies C8 (supports students' love of learning),  and C13 (act in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession). It is a demonstration of how much my students in FE3 enjoyed my teaching and gives an idea of how students perceive my effectiveness as a teacher. Their testimonials, I believe, demonstrate how I have instilled a love for learning in my students, as many of their comments refer to specific genres and books that I taught them, and express an interest in English as a subject. This artifact also illustrates my interest in having learning be student-centered and my striving for constant professional development by having my students evaluate my teaching to know where to improve, at least from their perspective.

 Explanation: On my last day of FE3, I gave my students a 2-page document (viewable above) asking them to anonymously rate me on a scale of 1-6 on the following categories: clarity, lessons, attitude/kindness, fairness, availability, flexibility and overall. I also left space for individual comments. While I was not able to give this to all my groups (we ended up being in lockdown for the majority of my last day), below are the results from my 2 most challenging groups.  

Student Rating Results


I compiled all of the ratings I received and, based on the frequency of responses, created this teacher profile highlighting what students found to be my strengths and weaknesses. Note that most of them gave the highest possible score, this is why the "grade" is in the 90s for each category.  

Unsurprisingly, students rated me highest on my attitude and kindness. I think this speaks to my enthusiasm while teaching. They generally rated me lowest on fairness (although most of them still gave me the highest possible score), and in comments they indicated that, when they rated me lower on this category, it was because they found my grading standards a little high (I rarely gave 100s). It is also possible they misunderstood what was meant by "fairness." Although students may not like this initially, I strongly believe in setting high standards, as this is proven to lead to higher achievement and intrinsic motivation. 


Student Testimonials

Here are some of the more detailed comments that some of my students left on the document. 


A surprise from my students


This was a surprise card made and signed by one of the groups I taught during FE3. They were a Secondary 5 English class that I saw 6 out of a 9 day cycle for 3 months. Needless to say, I formed quite a bond with them, and they surprised me with this on my last day. Their names have been whited out for privacy. I keep this hanging on my fridge, hence the little magnets in the image. I think this demonstrates my attainment of C13, and how I truly cared for my students' development, personal well-being, and of course, respect confidentiality. I obtained my students' permission to share their responses here. 


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