Artifact 6: Classroom Management Case Study
The rationale for including this artifact is that it is possibly the best demonstration of my development of professional competency C6 (manage how the class operates). This case study/essay was assigned during my third field experience for a course on Classroom Management. We were asked to write a case study about a particularly challenging student and connect it to our philosophy of education and three of the most personally resonant models of classroom management we had learned in class. It outlines my approach to classroom management and goes into detail about a particular case that I overcame during my third field experience. Not only did I achieve a grade of A+ on this essay/case study, but my professor emailed me afterwards to ask if it could be used as an exemplar of a case study for future students in the course. I was thrilled and honoured by the proposition, and have since considered this to be one of my best pieces of work in the program.
I believe this essay not only demonstrates my development of C6 and provides a lot of detail on exactly how I approach classroom management, with a concrete and evidence-based example, but it also illustrates my attainment of professional competency C2 (master the language of instruction). This is achieved through exemplifying my writing skills and my ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources (scholarly sources, experience, and observation) in a succinct and meaningful way.