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Artifact 5: Speculative World Projects

The rationale for including this artifact is that it demonstrates the attainment of professional competencies C3 (plan teaching and learning situations), C4 (implement teaching and learning situations), and C8 (support students' love of learning). To culminate a unit I taught on speculative fiction in my Secondary 4 English classes in FE3 and my Secondary 3 English classes in FE4, I had students create their own speculative worlds and present them to the class. In FE3 this took the form of an oral presentation. In FE4 this took the form of a poster/slideshow presentation that students submitted in person. I implemented this project to have students synthethize everything they had learned about speculative fiction, to give them an opportunity to experience world-building and utilize their creativity, and to demonstrate their understanding of the conventions of the genre. To the left you can find the assignment instructions for the oral project from FE3. 

Below I have included a brief collection of some of the slides and images from different presentations students made. The first 3 slides on "The Progenitors" was a very interesting creative project because the student roleplayed as a character from his world and then roleplayed a scenario where the presentation itself had been "hacked", as shown by his "ERROR" slide. This was so creative and we were all blown away by it, which I think really shows a love for learning in that student (which I believe I helped instill [C8]). Some of the others included show the diversity of ideas students came up with in this project. 

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